Arduino MIDI I/O Board

Basic MIDI output is really easy to do with Arduino, all you have to do is initialize the serial port using Serial.begin(31250), then you can send standard MIDI data using Serial.print function.
If you don't want to mess too much with low level MIDI data handling you can just use the MIDI Library developed by François Best, otherwise just read the MIDI protocol specification and start doing your experiments!
Bill of Materials:
1x Optocoupler 6N137 (OK1)
2x 220 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor (R1,R4)
1x 1.2 KOhm 1/4 W Resistor (R2)
1x 5.6 KOhm 1/4 W Resistor (R3)
1x 1N4148 (D1)
1x IC DIL socket-8Pin (optional, for the 6N137)
1x Male header 2.54mm/0.100" strip (JP1,JP2,JP3)
/* Simple MIDI example */
/* Vincenzo Pacella - */
/* DataByte1 Data Byte2 */
/* ------------- ------------ --------------- */
#define NOTE_OFF 0x80// Key number Note Off velocity
#define NOTE_ON 0x90// Key number Note on velocity
#define POLY_KEY_P 0xA0// Key number Amount of pressure
#define CONTROL_CHG 0xB0// Controller Controller value
#define PROGRAM_CHG 0xC0// Program num None
#define PRESSURE_V 0xD0// Pressure val None
#define PITCH_BEND 0xE0// MSB LSB
int MIDI_channel = 1; // [1-16]
int i = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
sendNoteOn(i,127); //Send a Note ON
sendNoteOff(i,0); //Send a Note OFF
sendNoteOn(i,127); //Send a Note ON
sendNoteOff(i,0); //Send a Note OFF
void sendNoteOn(byte note, byte velocity) {
sendMidiMessage(NOTE_ON, note, velocity);
void sendNoteOff(byte note, byte velocity) {
sendMidiMessage(NOTE_OFF, note, velocity);
void sendControllerChange(byte controller, byte value) {
sendMidiMessage(CONTROL_CHG, controller, value);
void sendMidiMessage(byte message, byte data1, byte data2) {
Serial.print((MIDI_channel-1)&0x0F|message, BYTE);
Serial.print(data1, BYTE);
Serial.print(data2, BYTE);